Boy meets girl. Boy enlists in Army Reserve. Boy goes to war. Boy comes home. Boy goes to war again. That's how the story goes.... This time.
This week has been one of the longest, saddest, happiest, most productive weeks of my life. And it's only Wednesday!
Day 1:
Our out of town soldiers arrived in town on Sunday, and there was an evening formation at the hotel everyone was staying at. It was so good to see people I had not seen in a long time. I've grown a little attached to several soldiers in our unit, and it made me feel so sad to think that I wouldn't be seeing them either for a long time after this. We stayed as long as we could and mingled with everyone. I did not want to go home. If we went home, then that meant that it was closer to PJ leaving on Monday morning.
We went to bed that night and we layed there for an eternity. I couldn't hold back my tears at all. PJ held me and reassured me that he would be home before I knew it. He reminded me that even though he would be far far away, he would be right here with me. I layed in bed that night, and just wondered what was coming in the morning. I held PJ's hand as long as I could. I couldn't bear the thought of spending the next night not touching PJ's hand or his face while he slept.
Day 2:
After a meeting at the unit, we drove that long hard drive to the airport. Unfortunately, the airport was so busy, PJ did not get to spend much time with our families before we had to go to the gate. I did not take it well. I must have cried every last drop of moisture in my body by the time I had left the airport. Kissing PJ goodbye and letting go of his hand, was so traumatic for me. After I left, I went to work at the unit for the day, getting all of the soldiers' family contact information, so that our Family Readiness Group can reach out to them. Then came the 469th BBQ.....
For those of you in attendance, I don't need to remind you how much fun we had at Bill and Mary's. Matter of fact, I haven't had that much fun in a long time. I got to know so many people, that I hadn't yet had the pleasure of meeting, but whose names I were already familiar with. I like to think that I'm a great people person, easy to get to know. I got to know so many soldiers and their families that night. I was given the great pleasure of finding out how many soldiers look up to PJ, and being promised that Bush would be returned to me safe and sound. After enjoying the company of the 469th, and the extra humor and hilarity of the soldiers who stayed late, I went home and celebrated a successful night, by eating some leftover BBQ from the dinner.
On a side note: The divine BBQ that we all ate was cooked up by Cpl. Faelber's husband Smokey. The HUGE heart that Smokey has, and busting his butt to cook for us will not go unnoticed. On top of the amazing meal, the best part of the night was when he sang God Bless the USA to the soldiers. I don't think that any one of us knew how choked up we could be hearing that song.
Day 3:
After getting some much needed attempts at sleeping, I got up and started moving around. For those of you that recall my Facebook post, "There's the hangover, and then there's the morning after the 469th...." I wasn't kidding. I wasn't hungover by any means, (I'm not even certain my drink was actually an alcoholic beverage.) But waking up after fun like that, totally worth feeling wasted. Anyway, I put on a dress which I bought on a whim several months ago. I put on that dress because I love my country. I wasn't gonna have anyone telling PJ that I wasn't looking my best for our deployment ceremony. I went to the unit, and I proudly wore that dress for the ceremony, and I passed out yellow ribbons to family members. After hearing Captain Carter's words of wisdom, and the prayer and benediction of the Chaplain, I felt so sad that PJ wasn't here to share it with his unit.
After that, I went to lunch with Phaminator, Faelber, Smokey, and Momma Faelber at Bagatelle. That place is the stuff! I can't believe I have never eaten there before. By the way, Smokey's mom is one of the coolest ladies I have ever met.
Day 4: D-Day
Well today was the day. Today we blessed America with a present called the 469th Medical Company. We wrapped up over 70 individual little gifts of awesomeness, and gave them to Uncle Sam. Before the crack of dawn, we sent a group of the greatest soldiers away to fight for this country. I had kept my guard up until this morning. I was not willing to accept in my heart that PJ had left, until we deployed the rest of the unit. It was not real until this exact moment. I hung out with all the people I had the pleasure of getting to know this week, and I felt my heart being ripped out for each one of them. Nothing felt better than being the last hug that some of them got. Nothing brings tears quicker than embracing the people who will be PJ's family for the next 400 days.
I watched Kristen and Nick embrace each other. I don't know how I would handle being a soldier married to another soldier. How unfair it would be not to be able to be with my spouse fighting for this country. After their last hug and kiss, Nick reminded Kristen and I to take care of each other while they were gone. I held Kristen's hand until they left. Kristen is one of the most beautiful people I have ever met, inside and out. I promise that I will take care of her, because her friendship is one of my most proudest assets. I also promise to take care of Mandie, who has also been a bright light in my life. As my partner in crime from our first deployment days, I owe it to her to have her back, and love and support her as much now, as I did then. I feel so blessed to have both these ladies in my life!
I will end this incredibly long post with a deployment prayer.
Dear Lord:
Give me the strength to say goodbye. Hold back the tear in my eye.
Cure my insomnia so that I may sleep alone. Give me a reason to awake when I’ve none.
Dear Lord:
Please help me pace myself. Allow me to turn to you for help,
And please let me be strong for him, Even if I’ve reached the brim.
Dear Lord:
Please make time go fast. I don’t know how long I can last.
This is the hardest time of my life, But this is my job: the soldier’s wife.
Dear Lord:
Let them all stay strong. Give them the will to go on,
And Lord, Please bring back all our men. In the name of our country. Amen.
400 days! wow! you are taking a very healthy approach. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, and will look forward to your updates and blog posts. hey, how about coming up to the women's retreat with your mom and sisters? it would be awesome to be able to hang out with you again. fun times! - love, Melody